hail ra

i am a satanist because I think a blonde woman would be loyal to me in matrimony and that she wont make me breed mutants with her. Talking about kosher sex is about as smart as not feeding the squirrels. Have you ever been cussed at by squirrels? I am the lord i have to feed squirrels all day long to keep them from mutinying. my name is acoren. you would spell it acorn. it means squirrel food. I had a pet brown mouse living with me in my apartment and i let him eat the whole pantry and he died in the sink so I put him in a sepuchre shrine to the sun out back. I had a turtle but he ran away. I am pretty sure he was turtly annihilated. My parents named me clitoris. Do I like being that wierd thing? Whose clitoris could I become? a blonde one that is crazy enough to pee outdoors against all odds just to love the sun. I witnessed it twice in my life. I believe in time travel, but not like you would think, I think time is ephemereal and repeats itself. You will be in diapers murdering dirty banana chunks forever if god does not respawn you when the mirrors eat you. I am akira, an iso file on a cia hard disk under the appalachians. I dont have memories unless god is around. then he will read my residual fantasys for us. he suggests we post this before the men in black or jihadis get here.


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