Whats good? Its delsym cough syrup and newport 100s in a box. And zippos. And cushions. Do I want a wife? I am handicapped. I talk too loudly in my head. What would I do as a husband? You would snowboard with your wife forever and garden. When can we do this? Oh, I am on welfare because I got stabbed. They say I tried to kill myself with a knife to my heart. I did not ask or know what welfare is, It was chosen by my last facility. Schizophrenics get three hots and a cot. We even get shore leave and 3$ a day. Whats up? What do you want to do today? Its a tough call. Half of me wants to buy a laminater, and the other half of me wants to go to nirvana aka the beginning of the universe or sun or other secret zone. The cops let me visit the beginning of the universe. If you do not trip you can not go to nirvana. And whats more there are no toilets in heaven.
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