if you had good eyesight, you would see that lighters are a cruel mockery of heaven

Sa. i wish you wold grow drugs and save us from the end of this world dieing is so ugly looking that you have to do it twice in the same moment


6 responses to “if you had good eyesight, you would see that lighters are a cruel mockery of heaven”

  1. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    the sun is not fire. they told you that heaven is not nirvana because they did not want you to abandon them on earth. or else they wanted you to get a schizo diagnosis so they pranked you so you could get welfare, fortunately i foiled that scam and took a picture of the pearly gates after ascending

  2. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    jason jus+ farted on me like 5 times as loud as he could get. that is my cellmate, jason barraud tankard, he is one mean faggot

    1. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

      orderlys are seditiousce, they hate white people so they put spics with whites in the same cell, its nice when orderlys do not open their mouths

  3. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    i heard an orderly got stabbed at hilton plaza 12 times in her leg. whats fun for tonight? spending 4 dollars and fifty five cents. I used to get pure speed methamphetamine for a month in 2007, I was god for a month it was 4$ a gram. People hated me for my luck. I popped the addreall like candy. with heroin tussin and newport smoking in masnions and family factories

  4. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    i dont want to know jason barraud tankard but the orderlys will not seperate us. Hanging and burning was good enough for them then. Piniatas and marshmallows. jason gave us that.

  5. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    no matter how nice you are to a nigger orderly it will still defile and rape you and laugh

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