
I think bics are fire and the devil made them to mock the sun which is liquid golden ecstasy. I think dextromethorphan is jesus but the devil puts it in waste packaging to shit on the messiah. I think trees have feelings, and monsters remurder a tree 5 times to make toilet paper. I think Martin Luther King Junior was murdered for eating chicken after church on sundays. I think the Black Dhalia really happened and you should never go outside after nightfall and definitely not around cloistered areas of hiding predators. I think meat is not just murder but it is torture also, and they are different activities until death marries them. I think Kurt Cobain was murdered by sexually immoral envious fools who made him have oral sex with a shotgun and then blasted his brains out and made it look like a suicide. I think the government would rather us get mad cow disease than eat magic fruit. I think you can die a slave of your own government in a butt fuck ass jungle halfway around the world to ho chi minh vietcong in a war draft but you can’t grow psychedelic gardens for medicine and jesus or they squish you in earthquake jails for your beauty. I think black people are beautiful but not all of them are willing to be that, some just like to cause cruelty. I think cops camp in line with silverware behind pregnant slave animals and eat the babies as they come out of the tortured animals womb. I think Donald Trump would rather eat veal while cops gave him a reach around than drink delsym cough syrup. I think if the niggers don’t eat you, the spics will probably butt rape you to death, i think it flips depending on electromagnetic currents in different ghettos of this hell earth. I think Allah is a word invented by pedophile meatitarians and jesus is a code word for opium tussin. I have been inside the sun before. It is 72.5 degrees and liquid golden ecstasy. The interior of the sun looks exactly like very special golden french brandy. Corona says hi we love clint, thank you for bothering to read our insanity. I used to have a son named Jack who was murdered because I drank alcohol in my parents culdesac. He was 6 months old. Just a mindless food fight fatality for no apparent reason. I think hampton is mostly growing briars and white people with dark hair murder and rape little kids. I think they would feed babys alive to cave rats on film for amusement, the dark haired creatures would. I think if you raise a dark haired creature from infancy you should make them wear buzz cuts and eat lots of fruit and psychedelics so they don’t turn into killer clowns or icemen or Jewish German Mass Murderers named fuck hitler dot com and so on. In this vein of thinking, irony becomes paramount to enjoying the soul crushing depravity of reports we have experienced in maturing in utter despotism being belt whipped and defanged and raped up our peepee holes by orderlies with catheters dot com while they spay our dogs against our will, and school books are as classy looking as toilet paper. Anyway. What am I up to tonight? I am growing psilocybin mushrooms for christ and drinking delsym in the light. I’m listening to gay music called massive attack and tool and neutral milk hotel and tegan and sara. Gays make good music because they are so close to saying tender faggotries with maggots for muses by the time they reach puberty on mars supposedly. Or else. THe end. hehe. Yeah gay music is better sounding than straight music, we are pretty sure talking is gay rape and the queers are closer knit to evil like that. I dont say this stuff out loud, I only speak in whispers inside my own head. I am just fishing for ironic cruel jokes to stupify myself to unconsciousness. vikings dont say fuk da police, they say kill the police, they say america is founded on cop killers and so is Jerusalem. Everytime a cop gay rapes someone and squishes them in trash compactor harems, gays hit the wrong target in unison just to double the hell we are in. Hitmen have not had good aim since like 1969 in the sunshine. Long live lee harvey oswald and john wilks booth and george washington and Ahimalek the priest of nob. three cheers for noah, its always silent on the bow wawawawa e to the motherfucking eigth oh my god is that me easy peasy. Fucking right I did it toked and then I licked it, Orange orbs will relive this until a blood moon shows us what the crescent axe of the minotaur king sundered for Agammemnons merciless furys. dot com. hehe. I am stupider than your average, pop adderall and smoke lettuce dagnabit. On the planet I am from there are two suns and we eat microchips coated in ectoplasm for dinner. Jawas invented winter to make us buy fur dot hurl the word at your mujero sa zerocool says whats up chicken butt, guess what? fuck you. we’ve got a lot of work to do. guess why? Because I got high. let the dogs out. who?


4 responses to “hi”

  1. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    I really hate the witches that are rapeing me with telepathy making fun of me about a death metal gang in richmond virginia. An irish girl that butt raped me and her gang popped up in my mind thanks to witches tonight. I am not a vampire, my fangs were removed long ago. Whats good? It would be fun to drink dextromethorphan tussin tonight. Do you like djarum black ivory or rather newport 100 more? I do not like newports when africans are around, It feels like I am bathing in shit radiation then. Do you think poople would be offended by being called walking turds or undercover brothers? Why do you think niggerhairs are real? So they can drag angels into faggotry? I live in a hospice and the orderlys are really abusive. People die here alot. Only black people work here and the food is always murdered creatures or babys. They force feed us the sedatives and disrespect us snidely. Another one bites the dust. I think the pills are to stupify you into eating the corpses and baby meat. So you eat from the troth and rot out. like a mad cow. Have you ever met a negro who was not crude and disrespectful? Africans only believe in homosexuality and domination. Lincoln got what he deserved. so did jfk.

  2. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    the day a shithead makes it to nirvana in the sun, i bet the gaelics would jerk off in the guiness pedophile malted vats in celebration with their ugly orange witch hair growing out of their ass vaginas

  3. aclintonrossnoble Avatar

    orange hairs are dog fuckers. saint patrick saved the snakes.

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