Are you afraid of the employees here? They like to be mean to me usually. It is not really an assistance situation, more like abusive living facility. I cant find a way out of here, its pavement in every direction forever and fast cars and no nutrients and bad weather and rumors of black dhalias. What do you do to get by? I like sinning by eating ice cream, it is a good hell for me. Thats a joke, I think junk food is mandatory in the hospice. Do you like esp witches? I like matching gore-tex camoflauge clothing or waders. Gore-tex jumpsuits with hoods are pretty sexy. Do you like Black People? They crave animal flesh in their ass vaginas too much, they would eat me. Do you like indians? They like putting meat in other peoples ass vaginas too much. If the negroids dont eat you, the spics will butt rape you to death. Do you like gaelics? They are mean to vikings. If I was rich I would buy a house in hampton and hide from bullys. a hermitage
you should see the movie the gays made about dextromethorphan called the animatrix
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