Author: aclintonrossnoble

  • Long live the cervids and bovine and all their people

    If the niggers don’t eat you the spics will probably gay rape you to death. That philosophy is called christianity. Dualitys are a scam, like a king who eats animals and trees and throws away waste packaging and pretends he is blond. Do you think Hillary or Kamala would have made America less squallorly? Joe Biden and Donald Trump didn’t.



  • 2 legit 2 legit to quit

    i hope i own dxm bic newports as ceo one day from inside the sun.

  • dagon prays to a car ra that lil wayne will come home

    Everything you do, I have already gotten the permanent high score, there is no extremism in your humor, you are insane.

  • if you had good eyesight, you would see that lighters are a cruel mockery of heaven

    Sa. i wish you wold grow drugs and save us from the end of this world dieing is so ugly looking that you have to do it twice in the same moment

  • another day another two dollars same ice same christ guess we’ve got he same wyeth

    got 30 credits at a 2.0 gpa and it took 3 years. I tried my hardest to be good, but snowboarding and tripping are better than that. Satan is as beautiful as God is nirvana. its true if you can change definitions on the sly. I think god is a carnivore and the bad guys. I side with satan, in egypt, satan means dog. i am a werewolf. i have run from the cops 3 times, and I absconded from christian work prisons and halfway houses and rehabs constantly. they put you in a psych ward if you love people, they are faggots and only believe in gay rape domination.

  • The matrix is a homosexual mockery of the end of apartheid in Johannesburg


    i hate nuggers. they would randomly hurt us. Their brains rattle around inside their heads. they would randomly snipe you walking into a convenience store. Nuggers never share psychedelics because they want to be able to gay rape the other males by body building on adderall. There is no $pic on earth who does not want to have gay sex.

  • j!$l Lil

    It took me 8 years to discover that meat is murder, I am that retarded but I bet I am still smarter than you. Whats up? You’ve never even been inside the sun and you dont have the intelligence to grow psilocybin in the eschaton. You should quit stalking me with your nasty coercive nigritisms. Niggerdly meatitarian dog fucker.

  • Allahu Akbar

    you are the light weight of the world and the freebase salt of the earth.

  • skippidy paps yaeji drink im sipping on

    tumbleweed. at least im not a quicksand. some people dont get to murder sassafras trees. its that poor of a world. that was dry humor and self deprecating. Some nights i pray to a car, ra. i am going to catch you for snitching on me about criminal activities. I am a nonviolent criminal. worlds funniest villains. i studied under ronnie dobbs and trailer park boys and stella and the office, 3 debras, samurai champloo. If you pay for commercial advertising space it lowers your chance of getting high by like infinity percent. only fake commercials are beautiful the rest cause our love to chop suey. thats how they killed captain murphy and dmx and stuff. stole their happy cake ovens so they died from heartbreak, they did it for commercial revenue.

  • Do you want your calling to be subliminal?

    Sweatsuits are designed to punish smokers. Only non smokers wear sweatsuits the rest of us all got holes in ours. I beat the system, I wear the suits beneath my goretex. If your clothes do not match you could write really good but you would get snapped in two eventually. No one has ever been able to steal a robogel jumpsuit before, cops put tracking devices on them. I bet you think I am a flaming dragon named God. He is just my friend though. you never met a dragon before I bet. their frequencies are scheduled drug penaltys. For growing fairy psilocybin you have to be in a cage until you die. My parents bought a spaniel named max who got hit by a car, he was gay for me and i spoiled him with treats constantly like burritos and dmt and hamburgers. Mom and dad made me put him in a little kennel in the garage before school so i killed myself when i came home and found him covered in slather. I never obeyed my parents with the kennel thing ever again. I am god. i think you might be even nicer than me. I heard max’s death cry. I hate automobiles. I would only ride in one if rapeists made me do it. I would rather die in a kennel than hear humans mouths. I hope mouth talkers hold their tongues one day. Plead nolo contendere. Court is painful, jail is a better fate according to lottery ticket junkies

  • Abusing animals is a crime.

    The humans say I am only jesus to animals who are still pissed off at me. If you do not feed the animals you will regret it. I would buy thousands of acres and import animals but the cops would euthanize them all when they found out that I had love in my life. Thats why dmx died, they kidnapped his dogs.

  • Im eloquent as an autumn breeze and dxm naptha that is just drying…

    Do I want my medicine? What does it do? I think it is gay cardboard pills. I stopped taking risperidone and tried to beat a gay guy to death. His skull was too strong to crack. Otherwise I would be eyeless right about now the funk show brother zombie… zombie nation

  • nndmʇ Omg Aleph Ant Mᵃᶜᵃᵇʳᵉ

    [tabula rasa]… have to get off the violently. My current shroomery handle is “Awe” They have not banned it yet. I am banned from social media for cussing and posting nudey pics. I am litterati a spammer, a nosferatii, aka somewhat abiological. I only believe in biology when gods not around. The flesh is a trap and tripping, tripping sets you free but probably only of your life.

  • Times Square in the summer time on laudanum and newport cigarettes and a lighter

    Whats good? Its delsym cough syrup and newport 100s in a box. And zippos. And cushions. Do I want a wife? I am handicapped. I talk too loudly in my head. What would I do as a husband? You would snowboard with your wife forever and garden. When can we do this? Oh, I am on welfare because I got stabbed. They say I tried to kill myself with a knife to my heart. I did not ask or know what welfare is, It was chosen by my last facility. Schizophrenics get three hots and a cot. We even get shore leave and 3$ a day. Whats up? What do you want to do today? Its a tough call. Half of me wants to buy a laminater, and the other half of me wants to go to nirvana aka the beginning of the universe or sun or other secret zone. The cops let me visit the beginning of the universe. If you do not trip you can not go to nirvana. And whats more there are no toilets in heaven.

  • concrete cyllinders along the sidewalk, refillable waste packaging, foreign languages for elementary school kids, legalization of perfume

    What is your species specs? Hungry for psychedelics and fruit dot anunnaki. Why is meat legal and we cannot have mister pibb, light tobacco, drive in movies, cigarette vending machines, euphoriant alchemy, vegetarian trays?

  • e to the motherfucking eigth. guidos mom.

    When I smoke weed I see bird headed hunan ghosts flying around and they are mean too. I like delsym cough syrup and newport 100s in a box made by Rip Van Winkle himself. I would pop adderall but am too poor. When I am doing laughing gas I cant afford cocain usually. Thats nothing to laugh about it just adds insult to injury. Do you smoke weed? No, I am superstitious. Its too easy to make ganja bundles and barely a crime. I collect riot gear. I am the only one of my kind. the gold green fruit sharks 5’8″ 150lbs 6″ efruitarian socialist anarchist.

  • rolling over turning gently beginning and the end sahaorizons to soho

    dead i am this guy watching myself fry, pitbull on my head i will never die.

  • Your sols are black flames. I bet you have not said: “is that me?” yeti


    god says i should brag right now because I am so much more evolved than the others. I would brag about adventures but not if someone is watching, I am not into exhibitionism. the exposee on me would be like: easy peasys giants, does not do homework, smokes weed and eats junk food, disobeys parents, has been inside the sun, was the stinky kid in highschool, was forcibly defanged and circumcized a gimp.

  • hail ra

    i am a satanist because I think a blonde woman would be loyal to me in matrimony and that she wont make me breed mutants with her. Talking about kosher sex is about as smart as not feeding the squirrels. Have you ever been cussed at by squirrels? I am the lord i have to feed squirrels all day long to keep them from mutinying. my name is acoren. you would spell it acorn. it means squirrel food. I had a pet brown mouse living with me in my apartment and i let him eat the whole pantry and he died in the sink so I put him in a sepuchre shrine to the sun out back. I had a turtle but he ran away. I am pretty sure he was turtly annihilated. My parents named me clitoris. Do I like being that wierd thing? Whose clitoris could I become? a blonde one that is crazy enough to pee outdoors against all odds just to love the sun. I witnessed it twice in my life. I believe in time travel, but not like you would think, I think time is ephemereal and repeats itself. You will be in diapers murdering dirty banana chunks forever if god does not respawn you when the mirrors eat you. I am akira, an iso file on a cia hard disk under the appalachians. I dont have memories unless god is around. then he will read my residual fantasys for us. he suggests we post this before the men in black or jihadis get here.

  • Allahu Akbar j!$l cWl

    The sun is made of courvossierre. golden very special french brandy. The son of the suns name is Corona. A poor mans courvossierre tek is to comebine methamphetamine with newport cigarettes with dextromethorphan. No one cares our brains rotted out from mad cow disease and we all have alzheimers except god who writes on our brain matter so we never forget. One minute is an hour you are under mind control. All thesbians use heroin to tweak their faces with lasers. the word heroin was flippant for any strong opiate. Did I ever tell you my soul is a floating light cube made of white gold and ornate carvings and that my mind is a psilocybin spore print? Did you know sleep walking is real because god hollowed all of temporal glands out and the landfill finally reached to heaven only to be cast down by tarot card addicts.

  • Lettuce Inn was bustling that Sunday And elephants love jesus

    Who is the lord? Only ghosts call me that. Not all ghosts wont decapitate you though. What do you do for fun? I am Satan, I like producing psychedelics. Gardeners are as cool as engineers without bloodlust. Linguistics is very easy if you are high enough. I am a photon according to Clint. A wave particle. Do you ever steal or masturbate? Why are you rapeing us with your mudblood agenda texts? I do not steal because all products are made with us connected. Everytime you move outdoors an angel cries blood. Ever heard a death cry before? They are deadly noises you will never forget like roosters. I am very famous, if only to my priori. What do you and your praetorian guard do together for fun? the inner cloister is for satan alone. Are you Satan? I really am the devil from the beginning and all my generations are perfect. Gold jewelry responded that it wants to pick words too. When Do I get a flat chain? When you have like 20,000$. Who would glorify themselves and jewelry at that price? Really sick people need medicine. You can not buy heroin over the counter in most nations. The sicker you are the more gold you need. I am an aquatic species, My names illegal though. Nigger cottonhead was my birthname. I am golden and I do not attack yellowhairs. The other cottonheads are jealous I am a nigger. The niggers say they will kill me for dark hair clout. No matter how nice I am there is always a bully after me. They hog tied me backwards and rolled my ego down my spine. I am just a floating light cube built by psilocybin addicts. Its blasphemy to say that or you become colder. I have to censor my words because I am military and a sun god. Do you want to move to colorado to snowboard and grow dmt fungi? I am not a vampire That is not my generation. I was defanged and circumcized and fed meat and other toxins. I had to take out the trash can, I am so dead that tumbleweeds get higher than me. I can almost drink as much delsym as dust bunnys on the 8th day of the week for time travellers there are two sundays each week. Ghosts are after me when I sneak into mecca. God loves the world because his life is really cheap so he can afford dog food for his pet parakeets nanny the sweet tooth petunia fancy. Is gods life cheap? I disagreed with writing it but you are just a jealous mudblood derailing cotton candy hustlers everywhere. No offense. Mudblood is a joke word for harry potter. WHATS GOOD? You are mad at me
    .,Whats up? We are trying to be A clavinical thrall and eat from the troth and die. Got a better idea? They said yoga at a snowboard resort. And gardening dmt fungi. Eventually people will take over the ski resorts for poor people. Socialist anarchy is the truth. private property is hazing. You do not decide when you get out of jail. Or when a rapeist leaves. Do you accuse me of wasting resources? I bet I a shit alot less than you, I am not a slave to shit yet. I am happy with juice fasting is a deceiptful thing to type because I moonlight as a peanut butter rackateer junk is illegal in Nova Scotia because canadians club baby seals to death on camera laughing. Where do animal cruelty come from? Jewish people had lots of tapeworms and had to feed the worms flesh to stay alive. Or the worms would have killed them. Worms really are real. We are scared to death of bugs. Want to do something fun tonight?

  • current biology scam density level.

    party like a crack rock star pocket full of adderall long live the efruitarian soldiers. jericho to compton grafton to clemson bonjourno lol one last cigarette?

  • The best I can tell, if you make it to the sun you nneed a goodbye letter. Why do you want to be fhe sun? I like to swim inside courvossierre.

    Dear Father and Mofher,
    I am very miserable having been reciessitated. I have killed myself by accident being thes unpopular kod by comvining adderall dextromethorphan and newsports in vast concentration and collaboration.

    The sun let me visit once. Its to die for. i do heroin. itsgovernment regulated. Dextromethorphanm. I smoke newport cigarettes. I do not know how to get adhd medicine.I take more than the suggested dose and am a frugivore alchemist I was born in sun bleached plains in the summer.

  • I can turn into a bat i can cast the evil i have ever so much money im gorgeous and I can fly

    in 1639 I killed a woman of mine in a small romanian town i was hunted down by hounds i listened to her song and watched the sun make the shadows long.

  • they never letted me in the sands of time

    For every 100 meativores omnivores there is one yellowhair vegan.

  • light up a soda slim

    I get to have a website. It is called shamba dot la
    Plan theta is ekkarehikaru dot org. -1 is not real. Not even the likes of David Delk know how anything can come into existence from nothingness.

  • when you are floating around on the moon

    have you ever killed anyone? sometimes. technology is savioure of refridgerator gator. max feel good energy. infinity zions to infinity oaisises on infinity worlds.I was created eating a dirty banana chunk with fairy liazons. We crave sun bleached plains and crawdad picking uppings.

  • barebones

    I would like
    to drink cough syrup and smoke newports. What else? die. Want to have a party? Nirvana? Sure we can do that. Are you bank rolling our nirvana togethers? lol.

  • sa

    The truth is there is no god. play forever, my love.

  • I will post my confessions of being a mendicant in martial law a mad hatter

    Eat the trays and buy digital stuff. Whats up? I read clints site crishnacat.weebly com


    Anyway, M


    Do I have anything to write? I like sex? I like illegal foods I guess. Well this sucks. whats up? We can not get any money. Why not? Because we do not use the internet? what would you buy if you had 20$?
    want to we could Buy some I am a better doctor than phd’s. doctors keel nod heal. Want to Risk your soul? Sidewalk satanicisms? Die for what? Uh maybe you want

    Whats up? Escaping a meat and rape clavinical. Who would rescue you? No one. How to pass the time? You have a blog called and also
    Whats sweet? I need a new hobby, I cant beat my writers. Maybe you could just be happy and poor forever. want to go to the bus stop and ride around? You are nuts, butt i wood play the game. Do you have a wife? I AM GOING TO GET MONEY SOMEHOW. FOR WHAT? TUSSIN AND NEWPORTS. The external had friends in their youth, they are not happy memorys. DO YOU LIKE WITCHES? I WISH JACK WAS STILL ALIVE. WHO MURDERS A BABY DOG OVER BEER IN THE PARENTS CULDESAC? I HATE THE MEDICAL AND JUDICIAL COMMUNITY, AND YES I WOULD BURY A GARBAGEMAN. ALLAH AKBAR. want an exit? YvES. YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE, CLINT.

    there hasnt been a single queer viking in all of recorded history. If someone has light skin and dark hair it is a pedophile and tortures children anally in the attic forever. Nothing will ever be good. Only zorro will save us. Peterpan died from fairy dust addiction. Superman died for molesting horses. Would I like a rich woman to suck my giant cockatrice? I am a chimera, the highest on earth. I gave the planet to a pink haired girl and crowned her the king. God says I am still half owner of earth with my niece savannah as the other half. IF YOU DO AMPHETAMINES AND OPIATES IN FRONT OF A MIRROR YOU WILL DIE. MIRRORS ARE HUNGRY AND SO ARE GHOSTS. I GET MURDERED ALOT I AN USED TO BEING RESURECTED. i am so beaten I do not even share my findings on anything. I have no opinion. It is very hard to not write coldcase file anecdotes when I write. I want to marry a celebrity because they use astringent and tressimae. they are almost as sexy as black felines. I am trying to escape a ghost house, I have been grounded for 20 years. Do you like money? Only if I sell my soul to the devil. Cotton has rights. Satan abuses dollars and murders them when they get tatterred. Do you miss John Stinette? Is that me? Yes. Who is your favorite psion? You are my favorite psion. The sun is called heaven by most kids thanks to my stalker liazons. We fought against oppressive laws of slave school firing squads. Witches are trying to kill me with esp. Grade e is called Courvossierre
    the sun is sigma plateau. Have you ever tried to kill yourself? I tried a few times it sucks.

  • It is easier for a fat man to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a camel to enter the kingdom of heaven (camels are kingpins)

    I am hungry but all I have is tortured grapeseed babies. Did you know to make toilet paper a tree is remurdered like 3 or more times. Solid food is so last year. The rise of the vampires.

  • theres no toilets in heaven courvossierre

    Whats good
    I bet I have fans, because damn, i am the sun, man.
    i only gave you dna so you would quit hogging my very special golden french brandy. save the whales.

  • Allahu Akbar

    whats good? tricking retards into being responsible for their own karma. Crack snack or ash no one riots for glee club casualties to the equation, on a sunday morning in octopus clandestine paramalitary greenpeace is like my only friend. They fight carnivores like I do. Whats up?

  • party like a crack rock star pocket full of adderall

    On getting money. I am not going to mail order anymore.

    guess what? fuck you. we’ve got work to do.

    have you ever killed anyone? sometimes.

    I’m not always God, Sometimes I am the supreme god.

    I escaped a locked medical facility one winter.

    I have been inside a star before. Stars are made of liquid.

    I am in hell, my cellmate just attacks me.

    I need a two port hdmi switch, a five port wired/ethernet router,

    Whats up? I am bored, Whats fun around here? Care packages
    We could watch tv I guess. Even my niece knows I am Jesus and I serve her. I am a pretty big criminal. I survived 3 years in pancakeville aka the trash compactor harem.

    Whats good? Why do you not get a job? Sidewalks are a cruel death like airplane crashes. I would rather die than die in an airplane crash! Cops holding silverware camp in animal farms behind the pregant animals to eat the newborns. When a cop has a baby it comes out of their butt. Thou shall not suffer a cop to live. No matter how you fuck a cop it will always be butt sex. Cops are so buggy that they would rather get shot in the head than legalize fruit and perfume. I litter money. Its not that I am rich, its just that finding a dollar makes people happier. I usually pay beggars. Please bring bread to the ducks dude. ducks are gorgeous but they are going extinct. Why? The water is polluted and there isnt much fish. Who does not carry around bread on them for the animals? Only niggerhairs would steal an alligators raw chicken on a hook. Alligators cry. I hate carnivorous humans. Humans wont even raise baby animals to be nonviolent anymore. The cameraman films prey dieing. Garbagemen know landfills are hell and they wont riot for their victims
    I spitted in a cops eye before. And I beat a gay rape-ist bloodily, the splatter was comical. I grew fungi for a couple years until I switched to beekeeping. I am a vampire the sun is liquid for me. Vampire food is really hard to get. They carved my fangs out of my mouth with a scalpel even though I said no. I would run from the cops even though it debases me. Just for the adventure. I came back naked to the hospital once. WHATS UP? GOD SAYS TO STUFF ALL THE DXM DOWN YOUR PANTS AND THEN RUN. THE BIRDS SAY PLAY FOREVER.

  • c

    hehe yeah i am a gold green fruit shark 5’8″ efruitarian socialist anarchist and my name is ra it is the only word baby pitbulls know for father.

  • i’m not always evil… sometimes I am superevil

    i had to gnaw off one of my paws in a bear trap before. there is no god. except when he is real. someones in me butthole… did you ever kill anyone? sometimes. LOL KOK. time travel is real, for instance a clock is a time traveller. if you were as evil as me, you would cut embroidery animals off tshirts and then superglue them wherever as vandalization aesthetics.

  • solar door

    I have been inside a star before. to be jesus you need dextromethorphan plus methamphetanine plus newport cigarettes plus lighter plus ~beverage plus sunny skies plus peaceful sidewalks dot com.