Do you like money? I could sure use some? For what? to kill myself with drugs.

travelled in airplanes and no one ever warned me that they might crash. i did it alot too. i am worth like shrill death crys and masks dropping down from the ceiling, and shrapnel and hellfire. i dont know why god made me grow dmt fungi says Wilbur Thicket to Coraline over dinner is still wiggling, fezzywigs crazy laughter echoes in eternity and captain murphy found his happy cake oven.


9 responses to “Do you like money? I could sure use some? For what? to kill myself with drugs.”

  1. orange scorpions come to daddy

  2. in a fair world it would have been tarantulas

  3. give the lost souls of babylon by dumping your hygenics and flushing them

  4. do you know how far poop rivers have to travel to reach hell?

  5. i didnt know i was a comedian, i do not seek recognition from doing things. i am just trying to get high. weed does not get me high it gets me beaten bloodily. what am i able to trip on? i am lucifer, a hybrid of god and satans secret love affair. we like to get high and dance for heavy set black familys in the greyhound and shrink into the foyeur corner. how did i get here?

  6. they’re all over him. ana allah akbar ra

  7. you are in so much trouble
    you really mickey moused yourself this time
    crackll whackll doo yah

  8. & All is quiet in hyperspace…

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